I've been wanting to do a stripped down, easy version of 4E for a while. Essentials is a good start, but those books are way too thick and disorganized for a beginner. And honestly, I like "beginner" versions of D&D.
Since this is my brainchild, I'm favoring Celtic-themed stuff. This means I can pull from Heroes of the Feywild liberally and reuse a lot of the Celtic campaign ideas I had way back when.
Anyway, here's the basics on ability scores and the Warpriest class at 1st level. It needs editing, this is the first draft.
There are three Ability Scores - Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
Fortitude is physical strength and stamina. Your Fortitude bonus affects attack and damage with power weapons, your hit points and healing surges, and the Athletics and Endurance skills.
Reflex is agility, speed, and wits. Your Reflex bonus affects attack and damage with finesse weapons, Initiative, Armor Class in light armor, and the Acrobatics, Stealth, and Thievery skills.
Will is self-discipline, empathy, force of personality, and leadership. Your Will bonus affects most magic abilities, and the Heal, Insight, Nature, Bluff, and Streetwise skills.
You start with a +3 bonus in one ability score, a +1 in another ability score, and +0 in the last.